WELLNOVA SOLUTIONS INC是一家直接面向消费者的零售公司,为全球各地的人们开发和制造独特的小工具和家庭用品。以与用户成为朋友的愿景,创造最独特和创新的日常用品。
WELLNOVA SOLUTIONS INC致力于不断创新,对质量和效率的追求坚定不移。公司坚持不懈地打造令人惊叹的产品和实惠的价格,通过创新的设计和技术,让世界上的每个人都能享受更美好的生活。
WELLNOVA SOLUTIONS INC目前是全球领先的直接面向消费者的零售商之一,产品销往全球90多个国家和地区。
Purisaki Detox Patches is a complementary wellness solution which helps people improve their sense of wellness.
Most ancient cultures have some form of a traditional detoxification process Purisaki brings this tradition into the future. Purisaki originates from traditional Asian techniques and contains natural Asian ingredients.
Using traditional herbs to induce sweating while you sleep, Purisaki allows the body to cleanse itself by removing some of the chemicals stored in your body, reducing your body temperature and allowing you to feel more comfortable and refreshed.
® 2024 Purisaki 保留所有權利。